Sunday, November 22, 2009


Has it really been a month since I updated my blog??? Sorry about that.

I have not been able to do much scrapbooking as I have been preplanning pages to take on our big crop next weekend. I am sooo looking forward to a weekend getaway. I just hope I have enough projects to work on.

I thought I would tell you about this new obsession I have come accross. It involves this...

And these.....

Those combined with this site....

I have saved a lot of this in the past 3 weeks!!!!!

Friday night I went to 2 stores. The first store I saved $72 and spent $40. The second store I saved $76 and spent $70. Saturday I hit store number 3 I saved $60 and spent $30. In total I bought about $300 of groceries and spent $140. I also received coupons for money off my next shopping trip, 20 cents off every gallon of gas at sunoco and some mail in rebates totaling $20!!!

Now all this savings did not come with out a little effort. I have collected coupons from everywhere, reading forums and studying coupon policies. But it is all worth it when I see my fridge,freezer, and cabinets overflowing. It has become a game.

Next I need to move from my coupon wallet to a big 3 ring binder with Baseball card sleeves. All to be as organized as I can be.

My new addiction: Super Couponing:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wowzers girl!! That's awesome. Can't wait to hear your 'technique' this weekend. :)