Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Best Day

I had the best time yesterday. I spent the day scrapbooking at Savannah Scrapbooking. It was only spoiled by having to leave early. Nothing beats spending a day with the girls laughing until you cry, giving advice on day to day trails, and creating lasting memories for your family.
I can't believe in only a few short months my favorite get away will close. For the past 9 years I have been traveling to Savannah to check out and purchase the newest scrapbooking supplies. From "Frame-Ups" to punches to eyelets to ***bling****. Each time I walk into the store a whole new world opens up. Ideas come pouring in with every turn of the aisle.A piece of paper can bring memories of a new born baby or the time the kids had the chicken pox. There has even been times when I drug those poor kids around to get the perfect picture. Come on I know all those scrapbookers out there have done the same.
So many folks can't seem to understand how one can spend 12-15 hours cropping. the time flies when your having fun. No husbands, no kids, no housework, just hours of creating and hanging with the girls. Can I say more?

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