Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Santa Was Here!

Yippeee, Santa arrived at Muddy Creek! We heard him banging around at 3 this morning. He had the puppies all wound up. We actually slept into 7 am, by 7:45 we were opening gifts. Let me tell you we were spoiled!
Mom and Dad came to spend Christmas with us, lucky us.
Contessa received the coolest electronics. An i*dog for her mp3 player(with clothing!?!) a fly pen to help her with her homework and every movie that was released this holiday season!
Winston scored with 3 games for his Playstation 2. He's begging me to play Mator National with him now, so I better type fast!
Marc was surprised to open a hedge trimmer and a chain saw. He spent the morning trimming hedges and cutting firewood. Him and Dad had a lot of fun burning all the Christmas trash.
I was really spoiled lots of goodies for my kitchen and scrapbook room. Let's see... new dishes, silverware, and a crock pot. For my scrapbook room... the Chatterbox Christmas line complete with 2 suede albums, stickers and tacks. Also a really cool embellishment center to hang on the wall to display my treasures.
I made a huge Christmas dinner. Man am I stuffed and tired! Can you believe I set my camera on the counter to take pictures and wouldn't you know it.. no pictures of the feast! Next time.

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