Saturday, December 6, 2008

Our 15 Minutes of Fame

Last night, the Girl Scouts took a trip to Savannah to see T Lovely at 97.3 KISS FM. The girls meet her last spring at the Natasha Benginfield Concert. We were finally able to take her up on her offer of stooping by the studio.
The tour began with a tour of the 6 studios. In the station manager's office, they pulled out two autographed guitars. One by David Cook, the other by Daughtry.

Each girl was able to introduce a song for the top 5 at 9. Each recording took many tries. They either stumbled on their words, giggled or spoke too softly.
97.3 KISS FM also loaded the girls with an Autographed poster, cups and cd's! This was a teens dream come true.
After the radio station tour we went down town for a hunting ghost walk through the squares. Luckily the rain had stopped and it wasn't too cold.
On the way home we were each able to hear ourselves on the radio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG, this is TOO cool!! You really are the best GS leader in the world you know. :)